3 Act: Dart Throw

One of my youngest son’s favorite party games is the balloon dart throw.  Each year for his birthday party I come up with some way to incorporate the game.  I fill them with party favors such as mini lego sets or minifigs and his friends get to keep the prize and put it together when they pop them.

When I was brainstorming next year’s theme, I realized this would make a great task!  I have filmed several of these for different grade levels.  This is a great one for 1.OA.A.1, 1.OA.B.4, 1.OA.C.5 for adding within 20 and missing addends.  It also could be used for the second grade fluency standard, 2.OA.B.2.

Act 1

Possible Question: How many balloons were popped?

Act 2

12 total balloons

I threw 10 darts and missed three times.  On my ninth throw I popped two balloons with one dart.

OR less challenging: there are 4 balloons left.

Act 3