3 Act: He Loves Me…He Loves Me Not…

It’s time to stop and smell the flowers!  This post is dedicated to Math Practice Standards 1-3! Of course, it does hit some content standards (as well as more practice standards), but let’s focus on constructing viable arguments with this one…just for fun!

Hopefully this light-hearted throw back video won’t offend anyone as I had so much fun reminiscing about all the flowers my friends and I went through as kids playing this game!

Act 1:

Possible Question:  What will it end on?  He loves me or he loves me not?

Act 2:

35 petals

Starts with “He loves me…”

Act 3:

I’d love to hear strategies used by students to figure this out so feel free to tweet them or comment here!  Have fun and take time to stop and smell the flowers!