3 Act – The Muffin woMAN

We have been working on our wellness unit in first grade and this week is on Healthy Eating!  We will be making muffins with our students and I thought this was the perfect time to use the muffin video footage I took over the summer that I was saving for just the right 3 Act Lesson!  I am excited to try it with our kiddos!  Here is a link to the Nearpod Version.

This lesson best fits 1.NBT.C.4 for 1st grade,  2.OA.C.4 for 2nd grade and 3.OA.A.3 for 3rd grade.

Check out my next post for a subtraction lesson using exactly the same footage in a different scenario:)

Act 1

Act 2

Act 2 Pic.png

Act 3

Muffins Total.png

I’ll post student responses and a reflection following our lesson.  Please feel free to leave any comments or suggestions for improvement!

4 thoughts on “3 Act – The Muffin woMAN

    • Natalie, I am so sorry but I am not longer using Nearpod. My subscription lapsed and before I could renew, they took down all of my lessons and cannot find them! Months of work were gone and I was so sad that I am currently looking for a new platform. I just use the site for now. I’ll let you know what comes of it as I am thinking about using Peardeck.


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