3 Act: I Feel Sick (5.NBT.B.7)

I was at Walgreens last night to buy my sick teenager some Gatorade when I was faced with the following scenario, so I decided to put it into a task for review of division of decimals.  I also thought it might be a good primer for the measurement chapter they are on. Standard 5.NBT.B.7.  Here is the Nearpod Link.

Act 1:

Act 1 Gatorade.png

Estimate how much each bottle cost per ounce.  Give a too high estimate for each and a too low estimate for each.

What information do you know?  What information do you need?

Act 2


How much does Cool Blue cost per ounce?  How much does the Orange cost per ounce if you buy two?  If you buy only one?

Act 3

IMG_4311 (1)IMG_4311

Processed with MOLDIV

Processed with MOLDIV

What’s the math?

Please leave me feedback on how I could make this task better.  It’s my first one!

Would it be better to start with a video of me opening a wallet with $5 in it and reveal with a video of me checking out and the change I get back from the cashier?  Come to think of it, that would be a great 3 act on percentages (for tax).

4 thoughts on “3 Act: I Feel Sick (5.NBT.B.7)

  1. These cost per unit tasks are challenging, because that is a factor kids often don’t think about. For example, “I don’t like blue gatorade, so I don’t care if it’s cheaper.” I’ve considered similar tasks with cereal where the product is all the same (for example, Cheerios) but the cost per ounce is different. Then you can have a generic “Which one should I buy conversation?” Then you get into a whole fight with answers ranging from:

    – “None, I hate Cheerios.”
    – “The small box because it is the least expensive.”
    – “The large box because it gives you the most cereal.”
    – “The _____ box because it is the cheapest price per ounce.”

    Great start and I look forward to seeing future tasks from you. Please tweet me when you have a new one you want to share.


    • Awesome! I really appreciate your thoughts and feedback. I have a ton that I have pictures for but haven’t had a chance to blog in a while.
      Luckily, I haven’t met any kids who have been picky about the Gatorade colors because…who doesn’t love Gatorade right?! I am noticing that the middle school students that I tutor really struggle with unit rates and percentages. These are in my opinion, the realest “real-world” math because they are situations we are faced with on almost a daily basis. I’ve got one I’m working on with percentage off a clothing item and the 3 Act will be the receipt. I’m excited to set that one up soon:)
      Thanks a bunch for all the feedback!


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